Saturday, May 30, 2009

McClards Show

Here are some pictures, finally I know, from our show last weekend. The top left is a full view of our booth. The other two pictures are just some closer shots of what we had to offer. This time last Saturday we were still setting up and getting ready. It was a beautiful Saturday. I actually even got a sunburn! I think it is fair to say Mom and I were both pleased with how we did. There were a steady stream of people all day long. I don't know if she had as many vendors as before or if it just seemed that way because they changed where the booths set up. There were some great items there, but I showed restraint and only bought a vintage postcard (I will post our finds later!) It was a lot of fun and I know I try my Mom's patience at times, but I am glad we do this together! McClards will have another show in the fall! I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Susan and Lane Ross said...

Very nice booth! You should come to the Heritage Festival in Horse Cave this September. You would fit right in at the Thomas House. Email me for info if you are interested.