goes on sale on Tuesday, August 4
th! Check out the following links for more information:
http://www.outoftheboxsampler.com/ (website)
http://www.outoftheboxsampler.etsy.com/ (
Etsy shop)
From the above website's homepage (not the Etsy store), click on the "who's in the box" link on the left to see my ad button as well as the write up about what I submitted. You will have to scroll about 2/3 of the way down before you will find me. I will post pictures of my sample tomorrow. I have to let some anticipation build up!! I am really excited about participating in these boxes! I am already working on my September samples!
Just for the record, I do not get any monetary profit from the sampler boxes. My participation does get me free advertising and exposure! That is the same for all of the e-tailers who submit samples! I think it is a GREAT thing!
On my vintage front, I have developed a serious adoration for the "Dick and Jane" vintage readers/books.
I am working on new Halloween items that are soon to be listed on
If the weather cooperates, I should be getting a new roof come Wednesday. Don't ask me for a referral for an insurance agency as we are continuing to battle some things. However, I will gladly share the name of my roofing contractor should you need one!
Not much else going on here. I am trying to straighten, organize, do laundry, cook (which by itself is scary enough for me), create, and watch TV all at the same time. I am headed out to water flowers now and then back to all the multitasking!!
Hope everyone has had a great weekend!